The Wall Street Workout

The Wall Street Workout

Maximize gym sessions in 45 minutes with fun fitness classes, circuit training, HIIT, Tabata, or heavy lifting.

The Wall Street Workout – Tips for Great Workouts Under 45 Minutes

If you're pressed for time but still want an effective, high-intensity workout, these strategies will help you maximize your gym sessions efficiently:

5 Workouts That Burn More Calories in 45 Minutes or Less

1. Short, Fun Fitness Classes

Zumba: A high-energy dance workout that can burn between 350-650 calories per hour, depending on intensity.

Spinning: Intense cycling sessions that can also burn up to 600 calories or more.

Barre and Yoga: These classes combine strength and flexibility training in a group setting, making workouts enjoyable and effective.

2. Circuit Training

Incorporates resistance exercises, aerobics, and total body conditioning.

Typically, lasts 20-30 minutes, targeting multiple muscle groups and keeping workouts dynamic.

3. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

Alternates short bursts of high-intensity exercise with brief rest periods.

Boosts metabolism and burns calories effectively within a short timeframe.

4. Tabata

A form of HIIT that involves 20-30 seconds of maximum effort followed by 10 seconds of rest.

Sessions are typically 4 minutes long but can be extended for greater intensity and calorie burn.

5. Heavy Weight Lifting

Lifting heavier weights with shorter sets can maximize calorie expenditure.

Increases post-workout calorie burn due to elevated metabolism.

The Perfect Wall Street Workout - CBXT at CompleteBody Gym

CBXT (CompleteBody Xross Training):

Intensity: Burns up to 1,000 calories in just 45 minutes.

Program: Includes strength-building exercises, endurance training, and fat-burning workouts.

Additional Benefits: Integrates Yoga and guided relaxation for a comprehensive fitness experience.

Schedule: Classes available six days a week, with options from early morning to late evening to fit busy schedules.


Even with a hectic schedule, carving out 45 minutes for a workout can significantly enhance your fitness levels and overall well-being. Whether you prefer group classes, circuit training, HIIT, Tabata, or heavy weight lifting, choosing a workout that suits your preferences and goals is key to achieving sustainable fitness results. Explore these options to find the perfect fit for your lifestyle and maximize your time effectively at the gym.